
Friday, January 7, 2011

Brand new year and you got a what....?

Happy New Year folks!

I don't believe in resolutions because I have no discipline and will never follow them. HOWEVER. This year I have been challenged to be a little more up beat and less ...whiny (?) in this blog.

I am taking up the gauntlet. That means that I will need your help if I'm going to do an about face. I need someone to comment at least once a month so that I can tell if I'm being maudlin or not. How does that work?

Well, if someone comments that means that they've stuck around long enough to glean some sort of fascinating information from this blog which doesn't include how many drinks/tears/candles I've gone through.

et Voila?!

Anyhoo, this post will kick start the new Satellite Mind. I might even change the name, any ideas?

Besides animals plummeting to the earth (what the hell is that all about?) the Republicans taking control of the House (WTF?) and Australia being flooded, is there any good news for the world?

I've just discovered Angry Birds and Cityville. It's a dangerous dangerous slope that I'm treading on. One minute I'm trying to kill pigs and the next I'm trying to build a city.

I feel like a Roman Centurion.

http://www.screeninglog.com/storage/stills/season_of_The_witch_newphoto.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1228454571026And on that note, I have to catch a train but here's something to make you smile;

Nic Cage Interview on Season of the Witch

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